You’ve decided this is the year you’ll launch your online course. Hooray! But now you’ve made the decision, there’s a good chance you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by what needs to happen to bring this goal to life. 

If you find yourself feeling a bit like this…

Don’t worry, I’ve got you. Today I want to share with you the essential first decision to make on the path to creating your online course. You might’ve been told you should start by identifying your ideal client, or how long the course will be, or the format by which you’ll deliver it. But that’s not where you want to start. 

The first decision to make for your online course is:

what is the one outcome people will get from completing your course?

Starting here will help all the other pieces come together, and it will help keep you focused as you’re planning the course content and building it all out. 

having one clear, specific outcome for your online course, will help you:


> Determine your course content.

Once you know your outcome, what is the simplest pathway to get there? Once you figure this out, you can work out which bits belong together, how to break it down into digestible modules, any gaps you need to flesh out, and if there are related resources that might support the outcome.

> Figure out the best way to deliver it.

That works for the content, your students, and for you. Do you need videos to demonstrate things, or would audio over slides work? Lots of people hesitate to create their online course because they don’t want to be on video. And while video is an efficient way to build connection with your students you don’t have to do it if the content doesn’t need it. So don’t let that be a barrier for you!

Resist the urge to over-deliver.

A common mistake course creators make is thinking they need to jam-pack their course with all sorts of bonuses and extra resources. But the problem is, if your students feel overwhelmed they’ll probably disengage entirely. So focus on giving them only what they need to achieve your one simple outcome.

> Narrow down your ideal client.

Who needs exactly this thing, and why? What are their desires, needs, wants, or stuck points that make it the right solution for them? How do they consume content? What’s their budget? (This will help you set your price, too). What’s stopped them from solving this problem in the past?


> Market your course. 

Because you know exactly what your promise is and how it relates to your ideal client, how you’ll guide them to achieve the outcome, and the value your solution offers them.

Creating an online course can feel overwhelming, but starting with a clear and specific outcome is the best first step to make everything else easier – when you start with a clear outcome in mind, you can stay focused and ensure that all other pieces come together cohesively.

3 simple steps to get started outsourcing

If you know you need to start outsourcing but find the thought totally overwhelming, I’ve got you! Enter your details here and I’ll send you my new resource, Outsourcing Made Easy, that will show you the 3 simple steps you need to get started outsourcing effectively.