tools i use daily in my business

tools i use daily in my business

One of the joys of online business is that there’s a multitude of tools available to help you keep on top of things and make life easier – and a lot of them are free!

For any given task or project I could easily list a bunch of tools you might use but for now I thought I’d start with some of the ones I am using every single day in my business.

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5 podcasts i binged over summer

5 podcasts i binged over summer

I’m a big fan of background noise and almost always have TV or music on when I’m at home, and a podcast in my ear when I’m out and about.  My habit used to be to pop on morning TV while I had my coffee (with full awareness that shows like Sunrise are neither...

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3 benefits of increasing your prices

3 benefits of increasing your prices

Pricing is the thing I see asked about most often when it comes to new businesses, especially by women. And it can be tricky to figure out what to charge, particularly for service-based businesses.

There are a few clues that will let you know you’ve hit the pricing sweet spot, or are getting close to it, so if you’re not experiencing these things it might be time to review your prices.

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